New Patient Registration Fields marked with * are required

Mother's Information Fields marked with * are required

Father's Information Fields marked with * are required

Responsible Party Fields marked with * are required

Insurance Information Fields marked with * are required

Secondary Insurance Information Fields marked with * are required

Emergency Contact Fields marked with * are required

Health History Fields marked with * are required

Does / did your child have any of the following habits? Fields marked with * are required

Is your child allergic to any of the following? Fields marked with * are required

Does / did your child have any of the following? Fields marked with * are required

How Did You Hear About Our Office? Fields marked with * are required

Terms And Conditions Fields marked with * are required
I understand that the information that I have given today is correct to the best of my knowledge. I also understand that this information will be held in the strictest confidence and it is my responsibility to inform this office of any changes in my medical status. I authorize the dental staff to perform any necessary dental services that I may need during diagnosis and treatment with my informed consent.

This office reserves the right to verify the credit status of potential patients and / or parents of patients prior to extending credit for treatment fees and may, at the discretion of the office, use the services of one or more credit reporting services.

If this office accepts insurance, I understand that I am responsible for payment of services rendered and also responsible for paying any co-payment and deductibles that my insurance does not cover. I hereby authorize payment of the group insurance benefits (otherwise payable to me) directly to this office.

Release Authorization Fields marked with * are required

HIPAA and Privacy Practices Consent Fields marked with * are required
I give this practice/ clinic my consent to use or disclose my protected health information to carry out my treatment, to obtain payment from insurance companies, and for health care operations like quality reviews.
I give this practice consent to leave messages with household members and answering machines when necessary.
I have been informed that I may review the practice's "Notice of Privacy Practices" (for a more complete description of uses and disclosures) before signing this consent.
I understand that this practice has the right to change their Privacy Practices and that I may obtain any revised notices at the practice.
I understand that I have the right to request a restriction of how my protected health information is used. However, I also understand that the practice is not required to agree to the request. If the practice agrees to my requested restriction, they must follow restriction(s).
I also understand that I may revoke this consent at any time by making a request in writing, except for information already used or disclosed.


Signature Fields marked with * are required
Date: 2/16/2025

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